Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 21 - ends with Meeting for Worship at Grass Valley Friends Meeting

Day 21

Trip ends with Meeting for Worship at Grass Valley Friends.  Thank you for this haven dear Friends.
Ends with Meeting for Worship at Grass Valley Meeting.  Met Doug Hamm and Bob Barnes.  Home of Coleman Watts '00, and current student Norah Cooke.

Thank you for this haven dear Friends.

Day 20 - Sacramento and the Skubics, parents of Sarah!

Day 20

The Skubics!  Blanche and Stan - great alumni parents of Sarah!

Day 19 - Grass Valley and Sam Longmire '89; Davis, CA alumni!

Day 19

Visit with Sam Longmire '89

Dinner with Dana Sullivan, David Simon, Brandon Winter

Day 18 - Sierra Friends Camp!

Day 18 

SIERRA FRIENDS CAMP DAY!  Coleman Watts and the wonderful Samantha who is Admission Counselor!

Day 17 - to Annie's Homegrown corporate!

Day 17

To Annie's Corporate to have a tour and talk with Susan Harvey '84 Reeves.


Then, lunch in Berkeley with noneother that the rediscovered TRINKA HOMMELL '82!   Trinka totally surprised me with an email the night before - I had not been able to find Trinka for some time, and had just been talking about her with Rosemarie Braegger recently.  I was so happy to hear from her (and thought I might actually have frightened her with my enthusiasm!).  She lives right in Berkeley and met us for lunch!  

After lunch in Berkeley, it was a zip back into the city to meet the wonderful Juliana Sloane '06.  (more soon)

Dinner in San Fran with Karen Hannah '89 - another surprise find in the area!

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Day 16 - to Stockton and lunch with Emily Ballus '84

Day 16

To Stockton, CA to visit the wonderful Emily Ballus '84 (time for an '84 class reunion out here!)

more to come and photo

Day 15 - over the bridge to San Francisco...

Day 15

First real dive into San Fran.  Over the bridge we go to meet first with Emily Drennen '95 for coffee!  Thanks Emily!  Great stories of getting to CA via Hawaii and Alaska.  More to come on this conversation....(and DRAT we forgot to take picture - we were probably too cold to get the camera out!)

Later, more coffee (!) and great visit with Ruth Scotti '99 in Emeryville (back over the bridge).

Pics and stories to follow.  Thanks Ruth - I'm still blown away by our conversation and you.

Day 14 - the tremendously hospitable welcome from Susan Harvey '84 Reeves, Douglas and Rylie!

Day 14

To San Francisco, and nearby town of Albany, to be kindly hosted by Susan Harvey '84 Reeves, and husband Douglas and daughter Rylie in their home for dinner.  So nice to be in a home, and the best dinner of the entire trip!  What great and interesting folks - a beautiful family.  More to say....

more pacific coast highway photos

Day 13 - Trek towards the Bay area via PCH!

Day 12 part 2 - son of a '41 alumna, and a 59 alumnus living in Seal Beach!

ay 12 part two

Laguna Beach:  Beverly and Rich Ulmer, Jerry Donevant '59 and Delores.

More to come!

Day 12 - Laura Mitchell - hurray!

Day 12

The dawn brought on thoughts of the day's agenda set for heading to Santa Monica and Laguna Beach.  Images of super well dressed Californians, sparkling beaches, shiny cars all flooded my pre-coffee brain.  Not to mention the fact that my one carry on bag really had just one sun dress and some action pants.  Oh well, doesn't anything go in sunny CA?

We headed to Santa Monica where the very kind Laura Mitchell '93 had directed us to a breakfast/brunch spot on the beach.  When I was preparing for this trip, I sort of stumbled upon Laura and started reading about some of her work online.  I knew from the first couple of paragraphs that this was someone I wanted to meet. Her work encompasses areas like sports/coaching, college advising, holistic and sustainable health, and more.  I got the feeling that Laura was making bold and fearless moves in her life and work, and I was intrigued (and as it turns out, RIGHT!).

Meeting Laura in person was like meeting a long time friend.  Her energy tells you that she is completely for real and in touch and seeking postiveness in the world. As for Guilford, in the first 5 minutes of our first phone call, Laura was telling me that Guilford was the place where she became "awake!"  She was only at Guilford for two years, but she quickly recalled 2 books from Dick Morton's class that changed her thinking, and truly cited Guilford as the place of real learning and growing for her.  

Our conversation was deliciously deep and interesting and we have already started some thinking about ways Laura, her work so pertinent to Guilford and our students, could get on campus (or off in a J-term scenario?).  "Organic, sustainable, natural, holistic..." ways she characterizes her work and approach to healthcare.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 11- cool, inspiring...GUILFORD PEOPLE!

Day 11 - utterly cool...

Started Day 11 with a morning jaunt to nearby neighborhood to Torrance to meet Tina Vanderjagt.  Tina and I had shared some great emails, but she was quick to tell me that she really wasn't an alum (her opinion) because she only went to Guilco for 2 years.  From her email:  "Thanks for the communication. I'm not a graduate of Guilford: I only went for two years, but when I've told the school they keep treating me like an alumnus, so I quit trying to change their perception. I'm a junior at California State University Dominguez Hills online for my BSN in nursing. I've been a lead nurse on a telemetry unit at Torrance Memorial Medical Center for 18 years. I love my memory of Guilford. "

From the minute we walked through Tina's door, we knew beyond a shadow that this woman was a TRUE Guilfordian!  It wasn't just that her '72 yearbook was out on the table, or the fact that she literally swung her door wide open to us (virtual strangers).  It was her entire story, her vivid memories of Guilford days from her room - she was the last group to live in Founders - to her Quaker upbringing, to her understanding of the core values at Guilford, to serendipity memories - the entire package screamed Guilford authenticity.  

Her parents were very involved in a CT Meeting.  They hosted Kenyans and protested war and more - this was her childhood.  They were happy for her to go to Guilford, where she wanted to study Russian, and did.  She recalled a UNCG professor picking up she and some classmates to go to her house to study Russian.  She wanted to do this because of her father's heritage.  There was no program for her to really move into after two years, so she left Guilford.  A person who doesn't believe in regrets, Tina moved on to study dance, get married, have children, run an apt. complex and then after a great experience with her own midwife, she decided to move into nursing.  Now she is completing her BA for her own satisfaction.  She lives a beautiful life with her family, and husband John who is an LA native.  

Tina exudes integrity, curiousity, enthusiasm and a joy about life and what every moment has to offer.  A Guilfordian?  NO DOUBT.

From Tina's we drove back to Torrance to visit Dr. Eric Feit '88 at his office.  Eric is a podiatrist specializing in ankle surgeries and wellness.  Eric has been a loyal supporter of Guilford, especially focused on athletics and men's tennis.  He was one of our top college players and still keeps in touch with his teammates.  He is hoping to help plan a reunion next spring on campus.  Eric spoke about his decision to go to medical school and how pivotal a connection that Frank Keegan facilitated for him was.  Frank sent him to an alumnus in VA to talk to Eric about med school and podiatry.  It was that meeting that solidified his decisions to pursue medicine in this way.  Upon reflection, Eric said he would have been a bit more broad in his course selections, wishing he had pursued more of variety of his interests, and realizes he could have still gone into medicine had he been a history major, or something else.  Eric understands and promotes the value of a liberal arts curriculum, and is especially grateful for the Guilford experience he had.

Could the day keep going? Yeah baby.  It was off to dinner in Pasadena to meet Laura Myerchin-Sklaroff '04 and Najeeba Syeed-Miller '95.   One of the great things about meeting several folks for dinner is seeing them make a connection, and this dinner followed suit.  Nice to see Najeeba and Laura get connected as they both work with non-profits in the Pasadena and LA metro area.  They also have the Claremont connection - Najeeba teaches there and Laura received her MA there.  Connecting the dots?  Priceless.

I especially love talking with alums who were involved with Senate (ok, yes, I was one of them too).  You just get such an inside track by being on Senate and get to have conversations with alums and College leaders even moreso than the average student.  It makes your loyalty fiercer and your instinct to protect "your Guilford" very intense.  Laura was a super involved student, and worked hard to bring about positive change on campus.  She had a special interest, as did Senate at that time, in the issues raised by having a larger adult student population.  This continues to be a big issue at Guilford, now that our adult student numbers are even larger.  We need alums like Laura to continue to be a part of the conversation and vision for the future as we address emerging challenges at our alma mater.  We need Laura, and we need each of you!