Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 5 and the wonderful Annie and Jerry Sherk!

Day 5 of the CA dreamin' road trip!  We abandoned San Diego today and headed a few miles north to Encinitas/Carlsbad area.  It has been a beautiful day.  Started at Pannikan Coffee and Tea (recommendation from the Sherks - one of Hannah's favorite spots!)  Fantastical granola and yogurt and coffee.  RSVPs to LA and San Francisco dinners came in today as well as a great phone call from Beverly Wolfe Fergusson '74.  Great to hear that NC accent - thanks Beverly!  

We got situated in our new location and got ready for dinner with Hannah's parents.  We met at their lovely home, greeted by Jerry and Annie and their pups Snacks and Charlie.  It was like seeing old friends right from the get-go.  Nothing like having their beautiful, intelligent, kind daughter in common as a springboard for friendship.  We covered so much conversational ground, and just could hardly talk fast enough to cover all the topics:  Hannah's college search from St. John's to Guilford;  Jerry's pro-football career with the Cleveland Browns; their migration to CA;  Annie's work with the airlines and now with Don Hansen's store;  Jerry's eduational background in psychology and now his work as a mentoring coach;  Quakerism at Guilford;  mentoring at Guilford;  Divison 3 athletics;  their satisfaction with Hannah's Guilford experience;  dogs;  counseling; Julia's plans; photography; more, more, more!

The Sherks made us feel at home in this strange, new land of CA.  We left with great feelings, and potential future plans and collaboration where mentoring and Div. 3 athletics are involved.  Stay tuned!  

A good day all in all....we are happily in Carlsbad for the holiday weekend.  2 appointments in the rural town of Fallbrook tomorrow.

Here are some photos from our great evening with Annie and Jerry Sherk in Encinitas, CA.  They are so happy with the education daughter Hannah received at Guilford.  They say she was challenged academically and they, as parents, felt as if she was well taken care of and formed important and meaningful relationships.  They were also impressed with Susanna Paisley's ('91) commencement address in May.  Thanks again Annie and Jerry for a truly memorable evening.  

Sleep is now welcomed!  

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