Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 12 - Laura Mitchell - hurray!

Day 12

The dawn brought on thoughts of the day's agenda set for heading to Santa Monica and Laguna Beach.  Images of super well dressed Californians, sparkling beaches, shiny cars all flooded my pre-coffee brain.  Not to mention the fact that my one carry on bag really had just one sun dress and some action pants.  Oh well, doesn't anything go in sunny CA?

We headed to Santa Monica where the very kind Laura Mitchell '93 had directed us to a breakfast/brunch spot on the beach.  When I was preparing for this trip, I sort of stumbled upon Laura and started reading about some of her work online.  I knew from the first couple of paragraphs that this was someone I wanted to meet. Her work encompasses areas like sports/coaching, college advising, holistic and sustainable health, and more.  I got the feeling that Laura was making bold and fearless moves in her life and work, and I was intrigued (and as it turns out, RIGHT!).

Meeting Laura in person was like meeting a long time friend.  Her energy tells you that she is completely for real and in touch and seeking postiveness in the world. As for Guilford, in the first 5 minutes of our first phone call, Laura was telling me that Guilford was the place where she became "awake!"  She was only at Guilford for two years, but she quickly recalled 2 books from Dick Morton's class that changed her thinking, and truly cited Guilford as the place of real learning and growing for her.  

Our conversation was deliciously deep and interesting and we have already started some thinking about ways Laura, her work so pertinent to Guilford and our students, could get on campus (or off in a J-term scenario?).  "Organic, sustainable, natural, holistic..." ways she characterizes her work and approach to healthcare.  

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